Monday, February 16, 2009

sunny days...

So today started pretty much like the Monday before it. I woke up around 7 just to be disappointed by the pouring rain outside my window. Not that I don't appreciate a good rainfall. It's just that I have to ride my bike to work in this shit. I start out dry, not long after stepping out of the door I get supper fucking soggy and incredibly cold within 5 minutes of being in it. Then I never seem to warm back up and my shoes stay squishy. Usually I sit behind my computer looking irritated and cold until it's time for me to pedal home, but today I decided to actually step out into the hall way and look out the window. Glad I did or I would've missed this. I haven't seen a rainbow in 5 years. This one was rather impressive too. I’m still cold and my shoes are a bit squishy but my mood has definitely improved. :)