For some reason I often feel as if well placed words and thoughts are wasted or lost on those around me. The spoken and written word is a very complex thing no matter the language. And yes, things can be interpreted incorrectly. But I feel that people use interpretation as an excuse to bend things. To give them a reason to accept something or an even better reason to disregard it. Context is a very important thing. Given the context of a conversation, the definition of a word can vary immensely. I’m fine with this. What I’m not fine with is people’s lack of comprehension of this. Some regard definitions as general descriptions, while others view them as meaning that is set in stone. Rocks move and water rarely if ever flows in a straight line….
I could go on with this for quite a bit but I won’t…
Getting on with it... I feel I have a lot to say and not a lot of time to say it in. and since my direct approach seems to be failing, I’ll just continue with my photos. They’ll still remain untitled but on random occasions I’ll throw in a description with some meaning. If you get it, great. If not, fuck it. Enjoy the photo. That’s why I posted it in the first place.
They say…
"That which doesn't
kill you only makes you
In reality though...
That which doesn't
kill you just
might keep trying until it does...