Choose your own adventure…
#DollyPartonchallenge (at Denver, Colorado)
via Tumblr https://ift.tt/36uNNcO
|the aesthetic of action|the beauty of bravado|the glamour of glory|
Choose your own adventure…
#DollyPartonchallenge (at Denver, Colorado)
“You know, it’s not always something catastrophic or a disaster that makes someone decide to change their ways. You could just wake up one day and decide you know what, i'ma try a new I'ma try something different. It could be that simple.” #wakeup (at Dikeou Pop-Up: Colfax)
“Everybody gonna die, gonna go one day, maybe it’ll happen on a Monday
Drop into work and get hit by a Hyundai, fuck it, let it all go one day” - #fadeaway (at Colorado)
This tells me nothing.