Sunday, December 24, 2017

#Shoutout to all my #friends, #lovers, and #foes who made my...

#Shoutout to all my #friends, #lovers, and #foes who made my #2017 what it was, and what it wasn’t. This #2017bestnine… Really it’s more of a solid 8.5. #waitwhat? 1 is a video… I sill have no clue what you people #like. 😐 Maybe I should blame the shitty #algorithm that keeps y'all from seeing me. #merrychristmas #happyholidays #happyfestivus

#thanksforthememories #doyou #rememberthetime #backintheday #cuttingties #flowers #strangers #minimalism, #black, #white, #blanc, #noir, #blackandwhite, #noiretblanc? #wtf #idunno. #teamcanon #teamricoh (at California)

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Sunday, December 10, 2017

I’m branching out… #live #music #denvertography...

I’m branching out…
#live #music #denvertography #denver #denverco #denvercolorado #guitar #themilehighcity #milehighcity #5280 #303 #720 #colorado #band #coloradocameraclub #coloradoinstagram #igersdenver #cityofdenver #coloradical #303magazine #coloradolove #coloradogram #flippindenver #throwback #canon #professional #photographer #quality #TeamCanon (at Ophelia’s)

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