Example: I made this as a representation of how I was feeling.
Ask your friends what they see and feel. You should get pretty different responses.
|the aesthetic of action|the beauty of bravado|the glamour of glory|
Hey! Happy 2010! I know, I know.. I’m late. Like you pay attention anyway. If I had time to post here everyday or even weekly I wouldn’t have much of a life to share with you. Ok maybe I would but still, there is life away from the computer. I try to spend as little time on my ass as possible. Moving on… honestly, I haven’t been shooting too much lately. I’ve been spending most of my time looking through books of old negatives and transparencies, scanning, and then editing or retouching those digital files. Yesterday I decided to take a break from the monotony and went out on a shoot with my friend and her kid. I’d say it went rather well.